I subscribed to Twitter Blue and I’ll blog via Twitter

Giulio Prisco
Giulio Prisco
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2023


I subscribed to Twitter Blue and now I can post long tweets (long enough for a quick blog post). So I’ll use Twitter for blogging. Please follow me!

This is my first long tweet:

I subscribed to @TwitterBlue. Now I’m the proud owner of a blue verified badge, and I can edit my tweets for half an hour after posting. I can also post long tweets (this post is a test).

Why have I subscribed to @TwitterBlue? Of course it is nice to be able to edit tweets and post long tweets, and the other perks are also nice. But I could have continued to do without these things. And I’m not exactly swimming in money: $84 is 84 bucks that I could have used for other things.

The real reason I subscribed is that I want to support @elonmusk ‘s vision for @Twitter and for the world.

Some people think that @elonmusk is a bad person. I’m sure he has his flaws and shortcomings (like all of us).

But Elon strives toward a multi-planetary humanity, and to me this is much more important than whatever they say against him. To me, Elon is The Capt’n of Spaceship Earth, and I’ll follow him to hell, or at least to Mars.

In his science fiction novel “Project Mars: A Technical Tale,” Wernher von Braun imagined that: “The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled ‘Elon.’” Perhaps von Braun was inspired by echoes from the future?

I’m a committed space expansionist. I think going back to the Moon, this time to stay and thrive, then building cities on Mars like The Elon wants to do, then moving on to live on others planets and moons of our solar system, and then launching an interstellar humanity to the stars, is THE most important thing that we must do.

Twitter is not @SpaceX, but it is part of Elon’s ecosystem. I think if the new Twitter — or Twitter 2.0, or X, or whatever Elon wants to call it — is successful, its popularity will reflect back on SpaceX and space expansion.

I’m not 100 percent sure that the new Twitter will be successful. Elon’s haters are doing and will continue to do their best to destroy Twitter, and they have more money than Elon and all the guns. Or Elon could find out that he has bitten more than he could chew and let Twitter go out of business.

But I want to support Twitter. I’ll strive to contribute to calm, thoughtful, reasonable, healthy Twitter discourse to counterbalance all the spam and all the hate and all the petty partisan politics.

I’ll consider every tweet I post as a little tiny contribution to a better society and a multi-planetary humanity.

This post is also a test of how long a long tweet can be and the indicator says that what I have typed so far is about half of what I could type in one long tweet.

So I think a long tweet is long enough to say all I want to say about something most of the times. I’ll start using Twitter instead of my personal blog (giulioprisco dot com).

Picture from Wikimedia Commons.



Writer, futurist, sometime philosopher. Author of “Tales of the Turing Church” and “Futurist spaceflight meditations.”