Last political post for a while (I hope)

Giulio Prisco
Giulio Prisco
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2016


I warned that the excesses of the Politically Correct (PC) “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs) would push lots of reasonable people to Donald — now President-elect — Trump. It appears I was right.

I was not only right: I was spectacularly right. Many others said the same thing. But the “liberal” Left didn’t listen, continuing instead to tolerate and even encourage the PC SJWs.

Actually, I was spectacularly but not entirely right. I thought many reasonable people would vote for Trump, but not that many. I thought Trump would get enough votes to give a loud and much needed wake-up call to the Left, but not enough to be elected. So I was half right and half wrong.

I was half wrong because I believed (like everyone except Michael Moore and a few others) all the polls that gave an easy victory to Clinton. Lesson: don’t believe the polls, which often are just wishful thinking. Even simpler lesson: just don’t believe the mainstream press and media.

Now many mainstream media are beginning to admit that they must take the blame for wishful thinking, smugness, and being totally out of touch with the people. Of course, some other journalists are continuing to blame the people — sorry, “the deplorables” — for being stupid and ignorant. I guess some people just don’t learn.

Of course the backlash against PC isn’t the only cause of Trump’s victory. It appears that good old class politics has TRUMPed “modern” identity politics.

Peter Thiel said it well: “[Money] flows into financial assets; it distorts our economy in favor of more banking and more financialization; and it gives the well-connected people who benefit a reason to defend the status quo. But not everyone benefits, and Trump voters know it.”

On the other hand, many white straight men, tired of being told that they are worse than shit and should apologize for being alive, have raised the middle finger at the SJWs and embraced white straight male identity politics with a vengeance. That’s kind of fun: the white straight men seem the only group to have voted on identity politics.

The SJWs have created a disgusting climate of oppression, thought-policing, witch-hunting, suppression of free speech and mobbing in academy, the media, and large segments of society. The victims of the SJWs are not the real enemies of social justice (those know how to defend themselves), but the moderates who support social justice but call BS on PC excesses.

Trump is the result.

I have been called “an apologist for fascism” for daring to defend everyone’s right to freedom of thought and freedom of speech, including Peter Thiel’s right to support and donate to whomever the fuck he wants. Now the Left, if it wants to have a future, must admit that freedom of thought and freedom of speech are fundamental liberal values, much too important to mess with.

I guess some SJWs had good intentions and honestly wanted to help women, gays, trangenders, and disadvantaged minorities. But, by causing an anti-PC backlash that could result in real hardship to the very people they wanted to help, the SJWs have played in the hands of the real enemies of social justice. It’s worth noting that the SJWs themselves tend to be smug, privileged “educated” persons who have never had to face hardship.

FACT: the excesses of the Politically Correct (PC) “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs) have pushed so many reasonable people to Donald — soon President— Trump to get him elected.

Recommendation to the Left: face the FACT, watch this video, do some house cleaning, and take the garbage out. Then start thinking about 2020.

OK, this was my last political post for a while (I hope). I really prefer the “crystal ecstasy” (Olaf Stapledon) of my reflections on science and theology.

Picture from Cory Doctorow/Flickr.



Writer, futurist, sometime philosopher. Author of “Tales of the Turing Church” and “Futurist spaceflight meditations.”