Space Decentral Update: Merging with Space Cooperative

Giulio Prisco
Giulio Prisco
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2017


A few months ago I created a working group with a few friends interested in space and crypto to develop a solid, sustainable design for Space Decentral: A decentralized autonomous space agency of the people, by the people, for the people.

The group, on Facebook, has 49 members at this moment. Perhaps you want to be the 50th? If so, please request to join!

But the big update is that Space Decentral is merging with Space Cooperative. Together we will leverage recent developments in cryptography (DAOs, DACs, tokens and all that) to bootstrap a global, distributed, decentralized, P2P space agency.

Yalda Mousavinia says nice things about me in her announcement post, so I should say something too. How about this:

Yalda is a powerful force of nature embodied in a young (and attractive) woman who could be my daughter (yes, time is a bitch). She’ll go places, and take us there too.

Let’s start with the planets. Then the stars, and then beyond. The universe is big, and fun, and mysterious, and awesome.

I am in the countryside at the moment (look at the picture in Yalda’s post) with poor internet access, so I can’t write much at the moment. I’ll write more in a few days, but I will share some thoughts now.

You may have noticed that the background of the Space Decentral logo (picture above) is the same I use in my Turing Church website dedicated to science and religion, spirituality and technology, engineering and science fiction, mind and matter — hacking religion, awakening technology.

This is not incidental. I am persuaded that our cosmic destiny is out there among the stars, where we will find transcendence beyond our wildest dreams. To me, our baby steps in space are our first steps on the Sacred Road to the Stars.

I am reading “How to Make a Spaceship — A Band of Renegades, an Epic Race, and the Birth of Private Spaceflight,” by Julian Guthrie. The book features (among other pioneers and wild ideas), Peter Diamandis and the XPrize. I am a big fan of both, but I am not a maximalist: governments have an important role to play too. I guess the (often oversized and inefficient) government bureaucracies and the (often savage and unforgiving) winner-take-all spirit of the XPrize can and should keep each other in check in a healthy competition/cooperation.

But what if there’s also a third way? What if internal friendly competition and cooperation in an open and inclusive framework can represent a viable alternative to both Big Government and Big Business? What if the spirit of BitTorrent and Bitcoin can take us to the stars?

I am persuaded that, yes, there’s a third way. Let’s find out how it works.

You are invited to come and learn more about our plans at the Terasem Workshop in Second Life on July 20, the anniversary of the first human landing on the Moon. I’ll be there with other like-minded people, and Yalda will give a talk.

Background image: Stars over Berlin, from Wikimedia Commons



Writer, futurist, sometime philosopher. Author of “Tales of the Turing Church” and “Futurist spaceflight meditations.”